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About Me

In Four Frames

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Wasa Lake, BC

I am from a small town (pop. 326) called Wasa, in the Rocky Mountains. Most summers, I can be found back there: running, swimming, or even working on a local cattle-ranch. 


    I grew up in Canada, Belize, Dominican Republic, and Vanuatu.

    My wife, Breann, is from So-Cal, and we met in a bar in Nashville. It sounds like a bad Country song, but that's our story...  



    I enjoy long-distance running and swimming.

    I am a biblio & cine/tele-phile.

    I am a recent but rabid convert to all things Tennis.

    (This is me on a tennis court I helped paint) 


    Looking Out, Looking In.

    Check out my blog, where I upload monthly essays. Topics include: why halloween is the best holiday; what makes tennis the most compelling sport; the problem with tourism; and why reading is so special, and important.


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